Sunday, 3 January 2016

SPAG Support

As part of our school development plan this year we are focussing on improving attainment in SPAG, aka English grammar, punctuation and spelling test.
Here are a range of resources to help with knowledge, skills and teaching of SPAG.
  Sentence play website support and games for learning about sentence structure.
Support for teachers - BBC skillswise

Active vs Passive voice in sentences - You tube explanation 

Wednesday, 22 January 2014

Writing Exemplification

Please note - the Writing Examples tabs have been updated... an ideal opportunity to check out what's expected and share with the children!

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

Reading Comprehension Links

Here are some links that might be useful in finding resources for reading comprehension.

Reading passages

Comprehension Sheets

TES link

Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Sunday, 25 August 2013


This link has some useful resources you can download to help with spelling, punctuation and grammar. 
SPAG resources

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Arts week

Look at the literacy work that was created during Arts week. Each class took one of the natural wonders of the world as their inspiration and used it to create art work, alongside linking with literacy and numeracy. 

 Aurora Borealis Shape poems By Year 2

 Imaginative Recounts By Year 6 about trip to Grand Canyon

 Everest Shape poems by Year 4

 Year 1 describe trip to the Victoria Falls

 Year 4 create persuasive posters to encourage people to visit Rio.

 Year 5 performance poetry

Monday, 11 March 2013

World Book Day - Getting Everyone Involved

After a brilliant World Book Day we wanted to invite parents and siblings in to join in with the celebrations.
Parents and siblings could come into classes to listen to stories at home time.

 After school the hall was turned into a book zone with comfy places to share books and activities to do about reading.  It's always good to share a book with someone!