Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Improving Writing

We are working hard across the school to develop and extend our skills in writing.  Here are some ways we are engaging and helping children improve their skills in writing.


Vocabulary, connectives, openers and punctuation or V.C.O.P is a great way for children to focus on how to improve their writing.  Across the school we are using VCOP to help us with our writing.  Take a look in the classrooms to see our VCOP displays, they clearly show how writing progresses from simple punctuation and adjectives to more complex words and punctuation.

Working on vocabulary
Our focus this term is encouraging children to develop their use of vocabulary.  Creating word banks of interesting and ambitous vocabulary is a fun but useful way of doing this.

Reasons for writing
It is important children understand the needs and purposes there are to write and to also develop an interest in writing.  In Reception children have individual envelopes so they can send each other messages - giving and receiving post is certainly a good reason to get writing!

These are only a few examples of the wonderful writing happening across our school and the ways we are helping children improve their writing.  Keep looking on the literacy blog to find out more.

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